Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hello all you wild wild animals out there!  I'm such a noodge, I know.  I'm a total mess.  I'm not going to go into the whole "sorry I haven't posted yet" speech because, well, c'mon -- y'all know I'm just a plain old hot mess of a human being. You're always supposed to show up fashionably late, anyway.  And since it's Fashion Week in NYC this week... I've decided to be be just that - FASHIONably late, (says the girl wearing no bra, a t-shirt and pineapple pants at 8:30pm on a Saturday night in nyc). Very fashionable.

Anyway, my first post if of my roommate's (the epic "Carol") room.  She found a cockroach in the apartment and ripped her room apart (as you can see from the photo).  Bed moved to the center of the room.  Sheets stripped from the bed.  Even posters off the wall.... I try to tell her that there are some things (like cockroaches or a nasty NY attitude) that just come with the territory.  She refused to sleep in the apartment and went to sleep at a friend's house that night - after keeping me awake screaming for two hours as she ripped apart the apartment looking for the damn bug.  God's creature.

Thanks for keeping the blog alive while I've been out galavanting around nyc.  It's hard work being such a socialite.  (Hope you sense the sarcasm... I've actually been babysitting more than anything).

Love my favorite critters and creatures: geege, mcc, and the santhinator.

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